Friday, September 11, 2009

Welcome Baby Boy!

Sorry its been crazy at our house. Trying to keep up with a 15 month old and now a new baby that i haven't even had a chance to sit and upload some pictures of Brennan. Plus it was a complete surprise he came three weeks early and I went into labor all by myself. We went up to the hospital on Sunday Aug 30 just to see if anything was going on because i felt horrible and like i had ran a marathon. Sure enough in one hour i went from a 4 to a 6 and they kept me there. 3 hours later we had a new arrival. Brennan William Harkness was born at 10:43pm he weighed 6lbs and was 18 1/2 inches long. He is such a sweet heart and very patient (especially with his bigger sister). We are glad he is here safe and sound.

We have however spent the last two weeks every other day at the doctor. He lost a lot of weight and his juandice went way high so he had to spend a few nights under the lights. But he has gained all of his weight ut and more and is doing great!


Brit said...

congrats, he's a cutie, can't wait to see what mine looks like! So how did you manage 3 weeks early, wouldn't that be nice! Well besides the surprise factor I guess.

Emily Harkness said...

You need to bring that baby over for pictures before he gets too old and loses that newborn look! Call me if you are interested!

Strong Family said...

He is sooo cute! Congrats. Lucky you, 3 weeks early is perfect! Although I'm sure you guys weren't ready.

Hilary Joy said...

He's so cute! Congratulations!

Terra and Timothy said...

What a beautiful boy! Congratulations!! Your family has now doubled since we were neighbors.

She's Here!

She's Here!